Listing Content Manager

Improved listings with best results.

The benefits of “Better Listings, Better Results” and the “Content Score Tool” are numerous. By providing a percentage indicating the likelihood of success on any given channel, property management can quickly identify areas that need improvement and make necessary changes.


The benefits of “Better Listings, Better Results” and the “Content Score Tool” are numerous. By providing a percentage indicating the likelihood of success on any given channel, property management can quickly identify areas that need improvement and make necessary changes.

The benefits of “Better Listings, Better Results” and the “Content Score Tool” are numerous. By providing a percentage indicating the likelihood of success on any given channel, property management can quickly identify areas that need improvement and make necessary changes.

Property specific guidance.

The tool also provides guidance in the form of score tips, which offer specific directions for improving a listing. Additionally, the tool is property-specific, meaning that owners can tailor their listings to meet the preferences of the leading Booking Channels. 

The “Global Policy Override” feature allows property management to quickly add policies or check-in procedures for all properties at once, streamlining the management process and ensuring consistency across all listings. 

Listing Content Manager FAQ


How does Janiis support dynamic pricing?

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What reports are available and which file types are available for export?

Dolupta turiatem inti custoritas ersperro tem as dolupta spediorrum volupta tescimil mil minveni magnam dolum voluptur acium. Dolupta turiatem inti custoritas ersperro tem as dolupta spediorrum volupta tescimil mil minveni magnam dolum voluptur acium.


Can you set early check-in or late check-out when making a reservation?

Dolupta turiatem inti custoritas ersperro tem as dolupta spediorrum volupta tescimil mil minveni magnam dolum voluptur acium. Dolupta turiatem inti custoritas ersperro tem as dolupta spediorrum volupta tescimil mil minveni magnam dolum voluptur acium.

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